
Dominoes Are a Powerful Metaphor for Our Decisions and Actions

A domino is a small rectangular block, thumb-sized, with one or more faces blank or marked with dots that resemble those on dice. A complete set of dominoes consists of 28 such blocks, called tiles. Dominoes are used to play games of skill, chance, or both. The most common games involve blocking the opponent or scoring points by laying the dominoes down in lines and angular patterns. They can also be used to build 3D structures, such as towers and pyramids.

The first player to complete a chain of dominoes wins the game. Each subsequent player must add to the chain, ensuring that both ends of each tile match up: a “one’s touch two’s” effect. A pair of matching pips on each end is referred to as a “suite.”

Dominoes are a powerful metaphor for how our decisions and actions can affect those around us. We’ve all seen those constructions of a tower of dominoes that cascade down in rhythmic motion, and the “domino effect” is often used to describe any action that can affect many other events in a similar way. Whether you write your novel off the cuff or carefully plot it out, using dominoes to illustrate the importance of your characters’ choices and reactions is an effective way to keep your reader engaged.

Hevesh begins each project by making a plan for the layout on paper. Then she tests the design by placing dominoes on the surface to make sure it will work properly. The final design can be as simple or elaborate as you want: curved lines, grids that form pictures when the dominoes fall, 3D structures, and more.

Once the initial test dominoes are in place, Hevesh starts by laying down flat arrangements of tiles to create a base for the larger 3-D sections. She then builds the larger sections, starting with the largest ones first. Finally, she puts the remaining pieces in their proper places to make sure everything fits together seamlessly.

Likewise, it is essential that data science teams have the right tools to support their workflows and avoid frustrating inefficiencies. But the gap between data analysis and software engineering best practices is wide, leading to friction as teams awkwardly graft tools from the former onto the latter. That’s why Hevesh chose Domino, a single platform that makes it easier for data science and software development teams to work together and speed up the pace of their projects.